A. Cubitt

  • Date Established:
  • State:
    New South Wales
  • Suburb/Town:
  • Variations on Business Name:
    Gregory, Cubitt & Co
    New South Wales Homœopathic Depot
                           The Courier, 14 May 1861

                                Item submitted by Dennis Ryan


(Material researched & presented by Barbara Armstrong)


In the Moreton Bay Courier of July 1860, Gregory, Cubitt & Co of Wynyard Street in Sydney advertised that they had homœopathic medicines, books and medicine chests for sale.


In Brisbane's newspaper, The Courier of 14 May 1861, A. Cubitt of Bridge Street in Sydney advertised that he had just received a fresh consignment of homœopathic goods, a shipment which included works from Leath and Ross.


Further investigation shows that Arthur Cubitt was not a homœopathic chemist, but a news agent/newspaper agent who worked at Bridge Street. At one stage he was the agent for the “Empire”, produced by Henry Parkes.


It appears that for a period of time the importation of homœopathic goods was a sideline business for Mr Cubitt.


By 1864 he was advertising his business in the Brisbane Courier as the New South Wales Homœopathic Depot at 11 Bridge Street. He also felt the need to assure his customers that the medicines sold at his establishment were genuine preparations, direct from the well-known manufacturers, Messrs Leith and Ross, for whom he was the sole agent for New South Wales.


© Barbara Armstrong

  • Created:
    Thursday, 20 January 2011
  • Last modified:
    Sunday, 17 August 2014