
  • Full Name:
    Dr William Robert Ray
  • Role:
    Registered practitioner
  • Occupation/s:
    Physician, homœopath
  • State:
  • Date first identified using homoeopathy in Australia:
Son of Robert Ray. He was born 21 April 1859, and received his early education at Scotch College, Wesley College, and also at Hawthorn Grammar School. He began a medical course at Melbourne University, where he studied for two years, and completed a degree at the Boston University School of Homœopathic Medicine in 1882. In the same year he became registered as a medical practitioner in Victoria (4 August, 1882).


He was a member of the Honorary Medical staff of the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital from 1882 to 1932, Senior Physician for many years, and a member of the Board from 1895 to 1932, when he retired.


He held the position of honorary secretary of the Melbourne Homœopathic Medical Society.


Upon his father’s death, he inherited his father’s buildings in Collins Street. In 1884 he was recorded as being a homœopathic physician at 133 Collins Street East.* (later renumbered to become 52 Collins Street). In 1903, 1911 and 1915 his new address was recorded as being 26 Collins Street.


He erected a stained glass window at the Melbourne Homœopathic Hospital in memory of his father.


 ©   Barbara Armstrong



  • Created:
    Tuesday, 22 March 2011
  • Last modified:
    Sunday, 28 June 2020