
  • Full Name:
    Miarus Moore
  • Role:
    Unregistered homœopathic veterinarian
  • Occupation/s:
    Homœopathic veterinarian; auctioneer; coach builder; commission agent
  • State:
    New South Wales
  • Date first identified using homoeopathy in Australia:
Miarus Moore, brother of homœopathic practitioner William Moore, was born 21 October 1835 at Congham, Norfolk. (In the English census for 1841 his name was spelled Maurice Moore; in the 1851 census it was Moris Moor.)


According to the NSW Immigration Deposit Journal, in 1860 William Moore sponsored Miarus and his wife Alice, both aged 25, for immigration to Australia.


An advertisement in the Maitland Mercury of March 1863 announced:



Miarus Moore, Veterinary Surgeon, begs to inform the inhabitants of Maitland and the stockowners of the Northern Districts that he is now practising in Melbourne Street, East Maitland, next door to the George and Dragon.

All cases put into his hands will receive the greatest care and attention; and his charges will be strictly moderate.

M.M. would beg to draw the attention of the public to the great superiority of the Homœopathic treatment of domestic animals, which restores them to health in one-third of the time usually taken, and with none of the painful tortures and unsightly blemishes so often produced by bleeding, blistering, &c., &c. As an additional recommendation, it may be stated that the private stud of her Majesty is now treated homœopathically.


There followed testimonials from people who were satisfied with his treatment - one from Rushcutter's Bay, Sydney and the other from Point Piper Road, Sydney, along with the statement that he could provide a greater number of testimonials from the Sydney district, but trusted that the above were sufficiently satisfactory.


                  Gravestone at East Maitland General Cemetery

                            Source:  Australian Cemetery Index


The testimonials stated that Miarus had provided treatment for 12 months, implying that he had arrived in Australia by 1862, if not before.


There is no indication that Miarus possessed any kind of formal training as a Veterinary Surgeon, apart from any experience he may have gained on his father's farm. The NSW Immigration Deposit Journal stated that he was a labourer.


By April 1863 Miarus was advertising that he was at High Street, West Maitland. In January 1865 the address given was 356 High Street.


In 1872 he purchased  an auctioneering and general agency business. In September 1891 he announced that his Auction Mart had been let for a term, and that his place of business until further notice would be at "my Northumberland Coach and Buggy Factory Office, High Street, West Maitland, where I will be available as Veterinary Surgeon, Coach Builder and Commission Agent." He was agent for the Mercantile Mutual Fire Co and the Colonial Mutual Life Society.


Miarus died on 23 August 1896, aged 60. His wife, Alice, died on 11 August, 1922. Both were buried at the East Maitland General Cemetery.


© Barbara Armstrong


  • Created:
    Thursday, 19 April 2012
  • Last modified:
    Monday, 10 August 2015