HOMŒOPATHY – Dr Kennedy, a recent arrival in the Colony, announces elsewhere that he intends practising his profession in Perth, and with that object in view has secured consulting rooms at Rockton, Adelaide-terrace, and also at Radcliffe and Tilley’s, Hay-street. Dr Kennedy is a homoeopathist, holds very high credentials, and has already been recognised by the local medical board.
Subsequent advertisements stated:
DR KENNEDY has commenced the practice of homœopathic medicine in Perth.
“Rockton”, Adelaide-terrace. Five doors from St George’s-terrace.
Hours of consultation – At Home until 10.30 a.m., and from 6 till 8 p.m. at Radcliffe and Tilley’s, Hay-street – 3 till 5 p.m..
At Henry-street, Fremantle, Mondays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
By 1905 he was practising from 833 Hay Street and 357 Wellington Street. In 1910 he was located at 3 Mount Street, Perth, along with his wife, Effie Mary Elizabeth Harvey.
During 1903 and 1904 respectively, Dr Kennedy was Commodore and Vice-Commodore of the Royal Perth Yacht Club. In 1919 he was made one of the judges of "the Royals".
As mentioned, he was married to Effie Mary Elizabeth Kennedy. He had two children, Hilda (who married Bill Pether)and William (who moved to Melbourne).
Dr Kennedy died at his residence on October 27, 1938, aged 85 years 11 months.
His wife died on the 18 June 1950 at the Harvey District Hospital.
(Note that this person should not be confused with Dr William Andrew Kennedy of Canada, who was the Chief Commissioner for the Save the Children Fund in Greece after the First World War.)
© Barbara Armstrong