In February 1862, the Queensland Medical Board announced that he had passed the examination of the Board to become a duly qualified medical practitioner according to the 1861 Act. He was one of the original members of the Queensland Acclimatization Society, formed in 1862. Initially he practised in Brisbane. During 1863 it was announced that he was “on his way up to Toowoomba to commence practice here”, but he eventually moved to Rockhampton.
In 1868, Rockhampton Residents listed him as a surgeon at Quay Street. In the 1877 Queensland Directory he was listed as being qualified under the Medical Act of 1867, practising in Rockhampton.
In the 1883 edition of Pugh’s Directory he was listed as one of two homœopathic practitioners in Queensland. He was also listed as being a surgeon of the Queensland volunteers (Consolidated Corp). In 1884 he was listed as an Honorary Medical Officer at the Rockhampton Hospital. He was a founder member of the Rockhampton Medical Society in late 1890.
© Barbara Armstrong