FN Collins Homœopathic Pharmacy

  • Date Established:
  • State:
    New South Wales
  • Suburb/Town:

(Material researched & presented by Barbara Armstrong)


FN Collins-S
Australia Through Time, 2004 Edn.

In January 1871 Frederick commenced advertising that he was now the successor to the business of John Bell’s Homœopathic Pharmacy under the name of F.N. Collins Homœopathic Pharmacy:

 FN Collins-Advert-1876

 Australian Town & Country, 28 October 1876


This establishment being complete in every brand of the

Homœopathic Pharmacopieia is able to supply the public

with all the medicines in the different preparations at

London prices.


Collins’ pharmacy was listed in the Sand’s Sydney and Suburban Directory for 1875, by which time he had moved the pharmacy from

227 to 297 George Street, Sydney. Along with William Larmer's Pharmacy, it was one of two ‘homœopathic druggists’ in Sydney in 1875.


As a consequence of Frederick's death in January 1884, the business was offered for sale in August of the same year. The notice stated that the lease would expire in December 1885 but that there was a probability of renewal. According to the notice, the average weekly takings were 30 pounds, but this 'could be doubled with careful management'. It appears that the business was not purchased.


©   Barbara Armstrong


  • Created:
    Thursday, 20 January 2011
  • Last modified:
    Thursday, 14 November 2019