Gould / Owen, Homœopathic Chemist

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  • Variations on Business Name:
    Geelong Homœopathic Pharmacy

John Owen's homœopathic pharmacy ca 1880-1881

(Two storey building on far right of photo)

Photographer:  Fred Kruger



Advertisement by John Owen.


In October 1863 Edward Gardiner Gould, formerly a dispenser at the London Homœopathic Hospital, and owner of Gould & Son in Melbourne, opened a pharmacy in Ryrie Street, “nearly opposite the Post Office”. This was also the initial site of the Geelong Homœopathic Dispensary.


Edward Gould returned to England to study medicine.  In the Geelong Directory of 1866-67, John Owen was listed as the owner of the Geelong Homœopathic Pharmacy.  The pharmacy continued at the same location. 


During 1883 John Owen submitted advertisements to the South Australian Register, advertising his "perfect cure for corns and warts".  The wholesale agent for this product in South Australia was Wigg & Poole, Homœopathic Chemists.  The advertisement also stated that the product could be purchased retail through any chemist or storekeeper throughout the colonies.


His son Albert Thomas Owen took over the business.

©   Barbara Armstrong



  • Created:
    Wednesday, 17 June 2009
  • Last modified:
    Sunday, 05 October 2014