
  • Full Name:
    Dr Broughton Kingdon
    Dr Broughton Kyngdon
  • Role:
    Registered practitioner
  • Occupation/s:
    Homœopathic physician
  • State:
    New South Wales
  • Date first identified using homoeopathy in Australia:
Dr Kyngdon gained his qualifications in England (LSA London, 1842; Medical Association King’s College London, 1842). He was listed in the 1853 British and Foreign Homœopathic Medical Directory. At that time he practised at Upper Paul Street, Exeter, Devon. In 1866 and 1868 he was listed as practising at the Exeter Homœopathic Dispensary at Rose Hill, 28 Queen Street, Exeter. In the 1870s he practised at The Elms, Park Hill, Croydon. He was author of “Vegetable Organography” (2 volumes – 1839 and 1841), and “Remarks on Enteric or Typhoid Fever”. He contributed several papers to the Homœopathic Times.


The 1885 edition of the Annals of the British Homœopathic Society and of the London Homœopathic Hospital list him as being in Sydney. In 1886 he was listed in the Australasian Medical Directory as being at 60 Darlinghurst Road, Sydney.


By 1892 he had moved to Albyn Road, Strathfield, also at Elizabeth Street, Hyde Park, Sydney.  During the same year he provided services, once a week, to the newly-formed Sydney Homœopathic Dispensary (which closed down soon afterwards).


In 1896 he was listed as being at Bowral, NSW, where he died on 11 March 1899. He was buried at the St Simon and St Judes Anglican Cemetery.



©   Barbara Armstrong      


  • Created:
    Tuesday, 22 March 2011
  • Last modified:
    Thursday, 25 June 2015