Advertisement by Landon Fairthorne in 1903
(Material researched & presented by Barbara Armstrong)
Landon Fairthorne (1823-1890) arrived in South Australia in 1839 and in 1842 moved to Tasmania where he qualified to practise as a chemist. Some articles state that in 1844 he set up business as a chemist and druggist in Launceston. However, a later advertisement in the Tasmanian Post Office Directory (Wise’s) for 1903 states that the business was established in 1846. In MacPhaill’s Directory of Tasmania for 1867, Fairthorne was listed as a chemist and druggist at Charles Street, Launceston.
In 1880 Fairthorne commenced selling homœopathic medicines.
He was the first pharmacist registered in the British Dominions and, according to the Pharmacy Society of Australia, received his licence in Hobart on January 15 1846.
The residence at 92 Arthur Street in Launceston was originally built in 1870, and the western section was later constructed for Landon Fairthorne.
Frederick Kirk Fairthorne was registered as a chemist in 1871. The Tasmanian Post Office Directory (Wise’s) for 1903 states that the Head Office for the business was at 42-48 St John Street Launceston, and the retail branches were at Beaconsfield (managed by Frederick Dando) and Burnie (managed by Spencer C. Ellis). FK Fairthorne’s home address was at Highbury, 25 Welman Street Launceston.
In 1903 FK Fairthorne was recorded as being a Justice of the Peace, and Councillor of the Pharmaceutical Society of Tasmania.
© Barbara Armstrong